This is the default engine page as the Skyview Classic comes from the factory. If you wanted to, you could fly almost any airplane with this generic set up.
But half the fun of homebuilding is having things your way. I spent a layover watching the engine configuration video, by the time I came home I was rarin' to start pushing buttons and twiddling knobs. After getting the honeydos done, I spent a jetlagged afternoon in my hangar messing around and have a start, I know it will change as things go.
From L-R, is tach time, I reconfigured the CHT and EGT to vertical bars instead of horizontal, engine oil temp and pressure, then RPM and manifold pressure. Upper right is battery voltage and amps, lower right is fuel flow and quantity.
Dynon also allows a variety of ways to display your information (see also: finger fire), 100%, 50%, and 20%. This is 50/50 with the Map mode, the next challenge will be to find a way to present similar information across all three sizes of displays.
But half the fun of homebuilding is having things your way. I spent a layover watching the engine configuration video, by the time I came home I was rarin' to start pushing buttons and twiddling knobs. After getting the honeydos done, I spent a jetlagged afternoon in my hangar messing around and have a start, I know it will change as things go.
From L-R, is tach time, I reconfigured the CHT and EGT to vertical bars instead of horizontal, engine oil temp and pressure, then RPM and manifold pressure. Upper right is battery voltage and amps, lower right is fuel flow and quantity.
Dynon also allows a variety of ways to display your information (see also: finger fire), 100%, 50%, and 20%. This is 50/50 with the Map mode, the next challenge will be to find a way to present similar information across all three sizes of displays.