Monday, February 1, 2016

Rub-a-dub-dub, and a WTF?

As the summer went on I picked a warm morning and gave the wings a bath, washing off a couple years of hangar dust and getting them back inside the hangar before the PolyBrush got UV'd.

After they dried I noticed a sticky yellow substance oozing from the right wingtip fairing. By the consistency it's been happening for a while, consensus is that it's resin from the expanding foam used to fill the hollow edge of the tip, and if the wing been stored horizontal the resin would have just accumulated at the edge. But what's puzzling is that there is no foam high enough to be dripping through the opening. I'll be keeping an eye on it. Left wingtip is fine.

Friese ailerons

Nothing fancy here, just a record of assembling the new ailerons. They're essentially the same parts, but the ribs are shorter, the secret is with the hinges and fairings.

After I shrank the covering I discovered that I had not lined up one of the ribs as well as I thought. A call to my favorite Tech Support told me to put a piece of 2x4 along the leading edge and gently tap it with a hammer. Worked fine.




Glad to have them done, but truth be told, I'm a bit sorry. There are some aspects of the build I'd like to do more of, like covering.